If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate

to contact us at any time using the options given.

Single Room

The inn has a total of 7 single rooms.

Equipment: bathroom with shower, WiFi, TV

Room size: 12 to 16 square meters

Further: Breakfast is included in the price

Bed size: 0,90 m x 2,00 m

Double room

The inn has a total of 9 double rooms

Equipment: bathroom with shower, WiFi, TV

Room size: 15 to 28 square meters

Further: Breakfast is included in the price

Bed size: 0,90 m x 2,00 m

Multi-bed room
The inn has a total of 3 multi-bed rooms with three to four beds.

Equipment: bathroom with shower, WiFi, TV

Room size: 21 to 28 square meters

Further: Breakfast is included in the price